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44 Cook Street, Suite 100

Denver, CO 80206

Sharon D. Liko, P.C. Providing Phone and Video Consultations during Covid-19 Pandemic

We at Sharon D Liko, P.C. wanted to reach out to you to let you know that we are open and here to help you with your legal issues.

We are approaching our clients’ legal needs in the midst of the COVID pandemic with the aim of protecting all those involved.  We ceased in-person meetings and are respecting the social distancing government mandate.  However, we are available via telephone, video conferencing and Email.

If you need to get in touch with us to schedule  a telephone call or video meeting, call us at 303-534-4888 or Email niki@likolaw.com.


•      Urgent Issues – Courts are still open:   Although the courts are operating with reduced staff and have cancelled many hearings and trials scheduled through the end of May, they are open to hear emergency and public health matters.

•      Non-Urgent Issues:  The courts are still accepting filings on all legal issues.  They are still ruling on motions and conducting telephone hearings, where possible.  They are also investigating conducting hearings by video conferencing.

•      Mediation:   Many cases can be resolved through mediation.  Mediations are occurring via video conferencing.

If you need anything from us, as always, we are here.  We encourage the entire community to follow the most up-to-date recommendations regarding disease prevention from the CDC and to remain vigilant about hand hygiene and strict social distancing.  Take care of yourself out there!

Visit our website to learn about several COVID-19  divorce and family law legal issues.  www.mensrightslaw.com.


The family  law firm of Sharon D. Liko, P.C. can help with your concerns.  Call (303) 534-4888 or contact us online to speak with a  family law attorney today.