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44 Cook Street, Suite 100

Denver, CO 80206

Concern for Daughter’s Well-Being

I have a 15 year old daughter from a previous marriage. My daughter has become almost completely withdrawn. She is currently not attending school, is on anti-depressants, and is borderline anorexic. I have extreme concern for my daughters well being and her mothers abilities and intentions. In 15 years my daughter has never called me back after I leave a message for her and I rarely get to talk to her on the phone despite numerous attempts. Until recently, I have had regular parenting time with her. However, her mother has come to me and said that my daughter no longer wants to visit. As you previously indicated, the court can’t force her to spend time with me. My question is what should I do to ensure that she is in a safe situation, that not seeing me is in fact her wishes, and that she and me are not victims of alienation which I believe this to be a classic case of.

You should file a motion to enforce the parenting agreement and request a modification of the parenting time. The court will most likely appoint a child and family investigator which is either an attorney or mental health professional to investigate and find out what is going on. They will interview everyone including your ex, your daughter, people close to her or who went to school with, teachers or counselors she may have known while attending school, you , your new spouse or family if you have one, and any other person they deem to be of interest to your situation. You can voice your concerns to the CFI. The CFI can recommend that she get a psychological evaluation or be evaluated for depression or anxiety and obtain the proper treatment, if any.

That is the only way you’ll be able to gain insight and knowledge as to what is really going on with your daughter.