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Can Wages be Garnished for Divorce Asset Arrangements?

Can Wages be Garnished for Divorce Asset Arrangements?

My ex-husband and I divorced 4 years ago. 6 years ago we purchased a time-share. In the divorce decree, it states we will share the responsibility of the loan and yearly maintenance fees. In the past 5 months, he has not paid for his portion of the loan or the past two years of maintenance. He has stated he refuses to give me any money. Can I get his wages garnished for these amounts?

You will need to get a judgment against your x-husband for the amounts that you are owed. Once you get a judgment, you can garnish his wages.

Child Support for Self-sufficient Child

Child Support for Self-sufficient Child

My husband is garnished for support for (2) children at this time. His daughter has been on her own since 16 (she’s now 18) She is employed, rents her own apt. and claims her mother does not aide with any living expenses. Everything seems to be in her name also. She will be (19) Aug. 2006. Can we get the support modified at this time?

Yes. You can modify the child support on the daughter and ask that it be retroactive to the time that she moved out and began supporting herself. In any event, once she turns 19, the child support terminates. In either event, you will need to modify the child support to reflect that your husband only has 1 dependent child.

Out of State Separation

Out of State Separation

This is kind of a 2 part question, if I file for divorce but my ex (common law) moved out of state with kid what happens with divorce and custody if i chose to have 50/50?

If your wife and child have been out of state for 6 months or more, Colorado may not have jurisdiction over the custody issues, and you may have to litigate that in the other state.

Colorado would most likely still have jurisdiction over the marriage but it depends on how long you both were in Colorado, and whether or not you lived here as a married couple.

Paternity Test Needed

Paternity Test Needed

My husband is court ordered to pay child support for two children that are not his biologically. He was legally married to his ex-wife when she gave birth to the twins and with him being in the military at this time he was forced to sign the birth certificates. The children actually know who their biological father is and they spend time and receive money from him as well. They live in Texas and the very little contact we have with them; they always let him (my husband) know that he is not their dad and they don’t have to listen to what he says. We have went to court to try and clear this issue up on several occasions, with no success. He has requested on several occasions to be granted a judgement for a paternity test and has been denied. The twins are know 17 and we cannot continue to let this go on. To my understanding we have to take care of this before they turn 18 next year.What can be done in this situation to clear my husbands name from their birth certificates and file a civil suit against their mother for knowingly having the court/DHS help her file this fraudulent case against my husband?

Your husband had 5 years after the twins were born to contest paternity as a defense to payment of child support. There is nothing that he can do now.

Pension and Child Support during Divorce

Pension and Child Support during Divorce

I am just about to go through a divorce. We were together for 5 years married for 2 years 4 months ….I had the better paying job …I am asking him to sign off my pension …If he will not what percent will he be entitled too….Also I have a child that has no father ,,, he was the only father she knew …I have never received support for her. Can I receive support from him?

I have no idea how much of your pension your soon to be ex-husband would be entitled to. It depends on your entire marital estate which gets divided. If your husband never legally adopted your daughter, he has no legal obligation to pay child support.