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44 Cook Street, Suite 100

Denver, CO 80206

The Effects of COVID on Family Law

COVID-19 has disrupted general life for many people in ways that communities and authorities are all still trying to comprehend and navigate. This is even more apparent when attempting to raise your children with any measure of continuity. As you try to figure things out, our family law firm is working to help you understand your legal rights and obligations.

How do I pay my Maintenance?

How do I pay my Maintenance?If you or your child’s other parent have experienced job loss due to the spread of COVID-19 or the wider public safety...

How do I pay my Child Support?

How do I pay my Child Support?If you or your child’s other parent have experienced job loss due to the spread of COVID-19 or the wider public safety...

Access to the Courts

Access to the CourtsProtect your rights! Although the Covid-19 outbreak has resulted in limited in-person hearings or trials, and reduced hours, ...

Seek Counsel for More Advice

Seek Counsel for More AdviceAs the outbreak continues, parents should negotiate with one another and work together to develop reasonable adjustments...