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44 Cook Street, Suite 100

Denver, CO 80206

Nonpayment of Court Ordered Medical Expenses

Nonpayment of Court Ordered Medical Expenses My ex-husband and I have the same income level, so we do not have a court order to pay each other any child support. However our divorce decree states that we will split the medical insurance, medical bills, school fees and...

Relocation and Modification of Parenting Plans

Relocation and Modification of Parenting Plans I have fully joint custody of my 11 year old son with his mother. In our Parenting Plan we have a 50 mile clause stating neither can move more then 50 miles from the other without losing a portion or all of our custody....

Allocation of Parental Responsibility in a Divorce

Allocation of Parental Responsibility in a Divorce If I get divorced, can she take my kids? No. The woman will never be able to take the kids. The issue is parenting time, decision making, and with whom the children will primarily reside. Colorado is a very...