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Denver, CO 80206

How 401K is Valued During Divorce

How 401K is Valued During Divorce I recently was divorced and they valued my 401K in actual value. I grew it in pretax dollars in the first case. I have to pay tax and penalty upon early withdrawal. Which takes it down 40% or more. I tried to withdra it so I could...

Unmarried Division of Assets

Unmarried Division of Assets If we are not common law married, how do we split everything up? If you are not common law married, but have joint assets and debts, you would need to file a Partition Action in the District Court and ask that the Court to divide...

Property Division Question

Property Division What property am I entitled to? Colorado is an equitable division state. This means that not everything is automatically divided equally. The Courts will award each of you your separate property, which is the property that you had prior to the...

Mortgage and Equity in Divorce

Mortgage and Equity in Divorce If I paid the mortgage payment, is she still entitled to 50% of the equity in the marital property? Your spouse will be entitled to a share of the equity, which may or may not be 50%. The Court has to consider the length of the marriage,...

Court’s Evaluation of Finances

Court’s Evaluation of Finances What does the court value the salary of a homemaker? For example if I make $100K a year what do they value her salary at for the distribution? Is it like if they value it at $40K (just for example) then 4/14 (40K/140K combined) is what...